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Chandler is our beautiful English Golden Retriever Stud. All he did was sleep and eat his first few months with us. We were almost disappointed whenever we tried to play with him because he just wasn’t interested. Now it’s rare to find him without a ball in his mouth, and he never passes up a good puddle! He will lay his head in your lap and gives you the saddest eyes until you give him attention. He is the sweetest boy you will ever meet!

Retired: Gabriella is one of our Bernese Mountain Dog Dams. She was the last of her litter, but she was definitely meant to be ours! It was hard to get her to come inside from the snow, even as a puppy. She is eager to please and is always there to lend a paw. She doesn’t quite understand that she is no longer a puppy, so she will still try her hardest to sit in your lap. We hope she keeps all of her unique quirks! She is now retired and living her best life with us!

Jacques is our Standard Poodle Stud. He was the first puppy from the litter to come and lay by my side when we picked him out. He still stays by my side to this day. He will play fetch all day with you and gets soo excited when you take him for a swim. He is super gentle and a giant baby. He is and will be the best dad!

Porschia (Bernese Mountain Dog) She was voted best in her puppy class and still eager to please! She loves being outside and is the goofiest girl. She is a great mom, and we don’t see her growing out of her goofiness anytime soon!

Phoebe is our Standard Poodle Dam. She was always a special one, even as a puppy. She would sit tall and watch all the other dogs do their thing. Even now, she marches to the beat of her own drum and has been in a world of her own ever since. Her calm temperament and silly personality are the best combinations, and she is the best momma!

Monica is our Moyen Poodle and Future Dam. All she did was eat and look around when we got her, but she soon revealed that she would test every limit that she could. Now she is smart as a whip and has the energy to match! We don’t even think that she is an actual dog with how she looks at you, trying to figure out what you want. She knows how to use talking buttons but primarily uses them to get our attention when bored. She will follow you around the house all day and keep your feet warm in the winter. I can’t wait to watch her grow and learn even more!

Snickers is a mini Bernedoodle and is the newest addition to our program. He resides in a guardian home with his family in Sheboygan, WI. We are so excited to get to know more about him as he grows!